Friday, July 17, 2015

Goodbye to Northern Maine!

Yesterday was store, thrift shop and lunch.  Today we leave NE Maine for the last time.  My mom has rented a cottage up here for a number of years and we usually join her for a week or so.  This was her last hurrah in Maine before the big move to Hendersonville, NC!

What was most distressing for us was being so close to the Canadian border and all of our communication devices going to roaming or simply not working.  We were concerned about what if there was a problem back home and no one could reach worries about things like this with tenants upstairs and storms coming through.  One of the recent storms brought down some of our dead trees into our neighbor's yard!

It's also distressing for my mom because what if she has an emergency. Her phone simply isn't working.  We have a system that she Facebook messages me every day and if I don't hear from her I am to call her landlord and she will check on her.  

She is also on a lake this year instead of the ocean and the mosquitoes are driving her batty!

We would not really recommend this campground...yes, the view is great but one can almost literally touch the rigs on either side of you. The price is good, though so I guess it's what your priority is. We like a bit more space!

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