Pip is a little under the weather. This is the second day she has not eaten her kibble. She is eating the lettuce we give her when I eat salad every day for lunch, but that's it. No vomiting or diarrhea, but she is sleeping in her bed a bit more. I think it's taxing for her to be doing something different every day. We will watch her closely and stay home for the rest of the day.
Pippin has rallied and seems just fine!
Good to hear Pip is fine. Florida heat too much? But she certainly wouldn't like the snow either!
I think her problem is that we are schlepping her around to new places almost every day and she is just exhausted! Her irritability has increased and we think that's a byproduct of her not getting her naps in during the day like she is used to. We binge watched TV the other day and she had a good long nap, and then ate a lot of supper. We are trying to give her more down time...
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